Fashion at the Ball
The cold on Friday November 21st did not stop the students from wearing the most spectacular dresses and suits to Harvest Ball. A lot of strapless dresses showed up of various colors and prints. This winter, sequins seem to be all the rage in party and formal dress for girls. Both long and short dresses were worn to the ball. Strapless and spaghetti-strap styled dresses were worn by the majority. For boys, bowties are back! Bowties seemed to be everywhere you looked, and even some suspenders. Stilettos, peep toe, and even some sandals were all worn on the dance floor and this did not stop anyone from dancing and having a great time.
Autum Goggins and Karissa Rhorbach
Students having fun.
Students Dancing.
Group of students pose for a picture.
Seniors Hannah Jenkins, Bryn Hunsberger, and Jessica Bringhurst
Dancing the night away.

Olivia Foster Is a senior here at BASH who wants to pursue a career in fashion journalism and wants to attend Delaware University She likes travel and...