Humans of BASH 2020-21
The Humans of BASH is modeled after the Humans of New York photo project. Our aim is to give a glimpse into the everyday lives of BASH students and the spirit of the school.

“Quarantine has affected me negatively. It kind of just stopped everything and I couldn’t see my friends, or go camping, or do school and sports anymore. I just didn’t really know what to do. But it’s changed now, I can see my family and friends again and I’ve returned to school.”

“I mean being virtual really help with my anxiety with being in the school with the halls and large crowds of people...I was also able to start a garden in my backyard.”

“Covid has affected my mental very badly, my grades have dropped and I haven’t been able to take care of myself. No one near me has passed away because of covid, but with quarantine and online school my mental health has depleted.”

“Covid hasn't allowed me to fully do what I love like after school activities, classes I work towards, and regularly hanging out with friends. I did get to spend more time with my dogs and occasionally with friends."

“I do not not support virtual schooling and I feel like I am becoming antisocial but I am happy to be back.”

“Covid allowed me to spend time with the people I cared about most.”

“It has been hard to traverse this year [because of COVID-19] and it can sometimes be overwhelming. I have lost a few people [in the pandemic], but I carry their legacy with me forever. As time goes by, the isolation and lack of life makes it hard to live [through the pandemic] day by day.”

“This past year just really sucked. I was mostly stuck at home not being allowed to go many places, but I’m just really hoping for a great summer this year, and go out and have some fun.”

“At first I handled it ok, but after a couple months in, my mom lost her three jobs, my dad got behind on child support, and then my mom got behind on rent which caused us to get evicted. We luckily were blessed and found a new home, but it really has been a rough time for me and my family.”

“Covid brought my family closer together as we had plenty of time around each other, and bonded doing things like watching Netflix together.”

"During quarantine last spring I started making paintings and selling them to people. Now I am making a business selling paintings people want or like.”

“It’s so weird to think about how our kids are going to be talking about this in their history classes in the future. This is all going to be in textbooks someday.”

“Those who didn’t get physically sick got emotionally sick. Emotionally sick of the same day repeating itself, while we were all trapped inside being forced to watch everything change around us whether we wanted it to or not."

“I feel like Covid was similar to the life cycle of a cherry blossom tree. It began in full bloom last spring and marked a new way of life. After a long wait until this spring, the flowers bloomed again, signaling another potential new way of life. Signaling light at the end of the tunnel.”

“A stressful Moment during covid for me was doing online food ordering and could not get appointment times as well as there were limited supplies. All this was happening while trying to figure out how to teach online and keep my 6 year old son occupied with his school. It was hard to balance in an uncertain, lockdown time.”

“The most saddest moment? For me it was not able to see my friends & spring soccer getting cancelled. A happy moment was when finals were cancelled and having the time to get closer to my family cause we were kind of closer together. ”

"The happiest moment of my life during quarantine was when me and my family moved. The process of moving was hectic. But when I entered my new room I felt a sense of relief since the room was big and I can add any decorations I want for it.”

“I started a lot of activities that I don’t think I would have usually sought out and those have had a lasting impact on me and have impacted my plans for the future. Through the years I spent at the high school I’ve treasured my time with my friends and teachers and it’s been a great time. This past year has been a lot for everyone as well, not just me.”

“Concerts. It use to feel like a breath of fresh air. Leaving a stadium with less than half your hearing let’s you know that you’ve actually listened to the music. Not being able to go just feels depressing. It’s like having something taken away from you before you wanted to let it go, because that is what got me through the year.”...

“I miss having interactions with the students and seeing their smiles. Having plastic covers between us is hard; It puts limitations on everything. I miss hugging people when we are out and about.”

“The isolation from the outside world is hard to adapt to, but in the end I think we’ll all come out stronger together as one.”

“COVID has definitely thrown a curveball. However, I was able to have a cross country, swim, and track season! Virtual learning is very different as well. The idea of sleeping in and grabbing snacks between classes is a plus! All in all, this virus has helped me become a little more positive, trying to look on the bright side in challenging times, and helped me truly understand how important my fam...

“There’s not really a lot [of big problems with COVID] for me anymore. There were the occasional mental breakdowns every few days in quarantine, though. Life won’t be normal, but it’ll be as normal as it can be.”

“I definitely got a lot less social over the course of COVID. For the first five months, I hadn’t been out of the house! It’s going to take a while for me to be as social as I was, because it’s been a year of all this.”

“Despite COVID impacting my life in the worst possible ways, I became a pretty good baker during quarantine.”

“Despite the grief of the Covid-19 pandemic, I am grateful for the once in a lifetime experience to be able to live in a time where I get to write unique stories that will be remembered for generations in a time period that will be in the history books of the future.”

“Schooling from home has allowed me to change my work-ethics and to focus on school and my personal life at the same time. I feel like a better worker!”

“The quarantine due to covid has impacted my life in a very positive manner. I have had time to reflect and grow as a person, I’ve gotten many things accomplished and seen why we need to fix the world.”

"The best thing I've gotten for Valentine's Day was a rose gold rose." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"Valentine's day is only beneficial to those who sell flowers and chocolate, and to those who are not single." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"In sixth grade, I got my crush a box of chocolates and a huge lollipop and it was kind of weird because I had never talked to her in person and I got friends to give it to her." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"Valentine's day is lame if you're single, but if you are taken, then I guess its pretty cool." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"To be honest, I'm not expecting anything and I don't want anything from my girlfriend." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"Nothing would make me happier on valentine's day than my girl coming up to me, giving me a hug, and handing me a a blu-ray disc of Shrek 2." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"I strongly dislike valentine's day because my neighbor who was pretty much my brother got into a car accident and died." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"The best thing about valentine's day is the movies and seeing my boyfriend." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"I want the opposite of what people normally think of when they think of valentine's day. I don't want flowers or chocolate or anything like that. I don't want a fancy dinner or anything like that. I just want something relaxed and just chill in my pj's." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"The worst part is stressing about making sure your present is as good as your significant other's present." Humans of BASH- Valentine's Edition

"My worst Christmas was when we went up for Christmas vacation to see some family and as we were driving up, we got the message that my grandfather's cancer had worsened. When we got up there, he wasn't able to do much and it was very hard on the whole family." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition

"My worst memory is when my brother and I were 4 and 5, my brother threw a tantrum because he didn't get what he wanted." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition

"The worst part was when I was younger, and my mom made my sister and I get all dressed up and visit family across the state when all we wanted to do is stay home and play with our toys." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition

"My least favorite thing about Christmas is that the excitement of it really dies down after 11am and then it just becomes a normal day." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition

"Last year when all of my siblings were home and my mom was happy we ate breakfast first, which there were pancakes, bacon, ham, and eggs, and we drank hot chocolate. Then we opened presents and everyone opened my gifts to them first because I couldn't wait to see their faces when they opened them." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition...

" My worst Christmas was when my whole family was sick and it was just a miserable day for all of us. My dad was vomiting, and I slept most of the day. We overall didn't do anything." Humans of BASH - Christmas Edition

"I collect Disney pins and I got into collecting them because my mom got sick on our vacation and almost died and was hospitalized for a month. Instead of being in Disney, I had to stay in the hotel the whole week, but I had a couple pins I had bought and just played with them the whole time. Ever since then, I just collect them."
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