OPINION: Congress is Too Incompetent for Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg’s Libra project reveals many political frights – one being that Congress is unfit to handle digital conflicts.
Mark Zuckerberg, founder of the Libra project, subject to interrogation from an incompetent Congress.
Last Wednesday saw Mark Zuckerberg before Congress with particular interest toward his Libra crypto-currency project – but being that Congress is too inept to discuss digital currencies, they chose to showcase their moral superiority on camera instead.
Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook and owner of Instagram, plans Libra to be a global digital currency. His goal for the project was for the “unbanked,” the poor and those unable to access traditional banking and financial services, to be assisted. This blarney found none of the sympathy it sought in Congress, but perhaps it was not due to Zuckerberg’s ophidian nature but instead a result of Congress’ fear to combat that which they don’t understand.
It is no stretch of the imagination that our Congresspeople can be rather outdated on their knowledge regarding technology – especially the internet. Republican Representative Steve King at Sundar Pichai’s Congressional hearing found that the Congressman believed Apple and Google to be the same company. Democratic Representative Zoe Lofgren was befuddled by the generation of search results on Google, believing every search result to be manually selected by a single individual to promote a political agenda.
With this in mind, it is fair to state that the average Congressperson is old-fangled at best, and antediluvian at worst. They aren’t exactly acquainted with modern technology, social media, and the world as it is now.
Frankly, they are too incompetent to handle such cases regarding cyber-economics and our economical safety.
Mark Zuckerberg’s Congressional hearing produced countless articles about Zuckerberg’s being “bashed” and “attacked,” but while it is fine to attack Zuckerberg for Facebook’s many ethical infractions, that was not the point of the hearing. Zuckerberg is the fifth richest person in the world, and his planning of Libra shows that the Forbes 500 see themselves powerful enough to compete against entire nations. The United States fears that Libra could be an actual competitor to the US dollar. So not only are the world’s elites confident in themselves but the nations they seek to contend with are uncertain of their ability to compete.
Zuckerberg, when pressed on Libra, had a secondary justification of the crypto-currency. Through tactless fear-mongering which is reminiscent of the 1950’s “Yellow Peril” propaganda, Zuckerberg claimed that if he did not establish a crypto-currency first, then China would, giving them an economical advantage in digital currency. Of course, if he was trying to preserve American economical superiority, then his establishing of the Libra project in Switzerland seems jaundiced. This overseas founding of Libra seemed to be the most glaring issue which Congress actually took a notice of.
Congress, rather than focus more on Libra and the idea that Zuckerberg believed Facebook to be a direct potential rival to the Chinese government, attacked Facebook for not monitoring its political advertisements as thoroughly as possible. Democratic Representative Katie Porter asked Zuckerberg if he’d be willing to spend an hour everyday for a year monitoring Facebook, and was genuinely disgusted when he stated that it wouldn’t be a good use of a CEO’s time.
It seems as though these Congresspeople are hurling nonsensical questions to appease their voter base.
Congress may express some anxiety at the concept of Facebook introducing Libra, but that wasn’t the point of the Congressional hearing for many of them – they sought to join in on grilling the megalomaniacal billionaire to secure approval from their voter base. Congress is not fit for the hearing of these threats to cyber-economics and to our global economies at large.
To be blunt, Congress is too incompetent for Mark Zuckerberg.

Blaze Myers is a graduate of BASH. His senior year was his first year in the CUB, previously only collaborating. He was in several leadership positions,...