Grim Reaper Day 2015


The Grim Reaper visited BASH this week — for an event created by the Students Against Destructive Decisions club (SADD) to spreads awareness of teenage death due to reckless behavior.

The event held on May 12th emphasized three types of student death that can occur based on poor decisions — including driving under the influence, texting and driving and using illegal substances.

Throughout the day, students were pulled from class by a hooded figure and given a sign to wear around their neck and a line of white paint on their face. The sign described how this student “died” and the statistic of how many teens have died by this specific means. For the rest of the day, these selected students were required to remain silent to symbolize a loss of life and to help teach a lesson about the terrible consequences of reckless behavior.

Mr. Maoury solemnly made announcements after each period detailing how many students have “died” due to destructive actions at each point throughout the day.

At the end of the day, Maoury said “Today over 100 students died from destructive devices. These deaths can be prevented but only by your decisions. Don’t be a statistic.”