Student council has big plans for the school year
Photo cred: Nicole Stout, Student Council VP
Student Council members at the 2019 Gold Out
Let’s face it- last year was not the best here at BASH. Between having to learn virtually, and so many classic school events being cancelled, we’re about due for some fun. Luckily, our student council is more than ready to supply just that. After having to cancel most of the events last year due to Covid, this year is sure to be extra exciting.
So, what’s in the line up? Powder puff, Homecoming (the game), Wish Week, Mr. Boyertown, Minithon, and a few pep rallies are all in store for this year. According to Greta Freed, the 2021-2022 student council president, this year will present some new challenges as well. “Up to Thanksgiving, we can’t have more than 500 people indoors because of Covid.” This has forced the members of the club to get creative- along with these annual occasions, there’s also talk of a trunk or treat, or even a tye dye day.
Besides this, there are a few other unique challenges that have come up for this year. For example, because the only class that has actually been in the school for a whole year is the seniors, they’re the only ones who actually know about all the events. Junior’s know about the vast majority, but sophomores and freshman haven’t been to any. This means advertising for things like homecoming, wish week, and minithon will need to go above and beyond to ensure all students know exactly what will be going on, and just how fun it’ll be!
Now let’s focus on the present- the first event will be a gold out on September 24. This will be an event both in school and at the football game that night-wear gold to support the fight for childhood cancer. Quickly following this will be homecoming week. The plan is to have a pep rally Monday, October 4 to kick off the spirit week. The game would then be Friday, October 8, and the king and queen will be crowned.
Obviously, we have a lot to be excited for this year. As more plans are set in stone, more information will be sent out to students. However, if you have any questions, stop by the student council room (419). You can also check out the student council page on the BASH website for exact dates and events. Make sure to keep an eye out- you won’t want to miss any of these exciting events!

Emma Wenerowicz is a senior here at BASH, and has been writing for the Cub since she was a freshman. Emma first joined the newspaper because of her love...