MAIN Guards Championship: The Final Dance

Melissa Reese

Color Guard accepting their very solid even though they are not silver medalist, their glad to have done it.

BASH Winter Guard is back from spring break and is ready for anything. Even after a trip to London and a week-long vacation, the team returned to it and won fourth place at their championship MAIN Guards (Mid-Atlantic Indoor Network). 

With some doubt moving forward, they persevered as they completed their show “Dancing On Your Own,” putting a twist on the Cinderella story being entirely about Cinderella taking a chance and dancing by herself and with others without needing a prince. 

BASH Winter Guard then prepared for their final competition at Tom Rivers, New Jersey, in RWJBarnabas Arena, where they worked hard and overall won fourth place. The team recalls enjoying time with each other, having spirit days, and improving during practice. This was their first competition outside the state since Covid-19, which made this year unforgettable. Later, they decided to stay for the second half of the day, have lunch at the boardwalk, and watch other guards for the second half of the competition.

Senior Member Layla Drummond says, “It was such a fun little thing to add to the day, one last thing for us to do together. I love the beach, so I was excited when the coach said that after we performed, we would go to the beach before going back and watching amazing groups in World Class.”

The feeling of sand between your toes, the sound of children’s laughter & screams of joy, the smells of salt water & funnel cake, and the feeling of being around the people you love. ” It was a good way to end the year,” said Layla.

Awards handed to our Cinderella (Danielle Myer). She is proud to have this moment. (Photo by Christopher P. Maher)

Last year, the Bash Color Guard competed in the Scholastic Regional A and medaled second place with a score of 90.340; because the color guard medaled, they moved up a division this season to Scholastic AA. The color guard was hopeful but not fully expecting to pull out a high win because they were in a higher division, but when it came time for awards, the guard was beyond excited to hear their name called being in fourth place with a score of 79.710.

The performance was different than their other performances that season; mishaps were bound to happen, but they still pushed forward. BASH Junior Josefina Jackson said, “We made the show our own, every time we stepped out on the floor, we put our hearts into our performance.”

The guard reminisced about all the fun times they had together. (Photo by BASH BANDS PARENT)

The BASH Color Guard has repeatedly proven they can handle anything. So, they are ready to say goodbye to their seniors and move forward with the next marching season with their 2023 BASH Band production of “Thank You For Flying BASH Airways.”

Since her first year of high school, Jackson said, “Color Guard has been one of the best parts of my life; sometimes it’s been hard, but I don’t know where I would be without it. Our championships performance pushed all of us. Of course, there were a few mishaps, but nothing is perfect, especially in color guard.”

The BASH Color Guard has repeatedly proven they can handle anything. So, they are ready to say goodbye to their seniors and move forward with the next marching season with their 2023 BASH Band production of “Thank You For Flying BASH Airways.”