Impact Club does it again with Friday’s Earth Day Walk


Impact Club members, Kara Friend and Bianca Samuel, running kindness note station with notes and lollipops to give out to friends and teachers

This year’s earth day took place on Saturday, April 22, regardless of the holiday taking place on a weekend BASH students took celebrating the Earth into their own hands this year. 

On Friday, April 21, Impact Club members held their first earth day walk periods 2-8 on the BASH track. This event included rock painting, kindness bingo, writing kindness notes to give to friends, or even just walking around the track and taking in the beautiful day. It was a warm 80-degree day, that was perfect for the celebration of our Earth. 

Impact Club at BASH focuses on making a school a better place while promoting diversity and inclusion. They have held other events this year including Impact Day in Febuary, which was a hit for students and teachers to learn lessons that go beyond the classroom. April’s Earth Day walk was similar but got the whole school involved this time, which is truly what can make a difference. Every student coming together to celebrate our Earth is a spectacular idea by the Impact Club, and they did an amazing job at accomplishing just that. 

Students painting rocks with positive messages and pictures on the BASH track for Earth Day walk (Aiden Cooper)

Kara Friend, treasurer of Impact Club at BASH says, “The whole event is just to celebrate kindness, bring the school together, and get outside because it’s earth day tomorrow.” 

Impact Club is doing a fantastic job at working to make a difference within  BASH and throughout the community, we’d like to thank Impact Club for hosting a great event to get students out of the classrooms and celebrate our earth together.