Fans Have ‘High Hopes’ for Panic! at the Disco’s New Music
It’s common in movies to see superheros and giant apes with bananas walking up the side of a building.
Panic! At the Disco frontman Brendon Urie and his crew also can be seen doing so in their new music video for “High Hopes”, one of the songs in their newest album Pray for the Wicked, the band’s sixth album.
The music video starts out with Brendon stepping out of a limo. As he begins to walk on the sidewalk, multiple passersby bump into Brendon along the way The video fits the song perfectly, because the song references how people didn’t believe in Urie when he was chasing his dreams, but he didn’t let that stop him.
“They say it’s all been done, but they haven’t seen the best of me,” he says in the song. On the chorus he then sings, “Always had high, high hopes.” This is quite literally reflected by his climb into the sky.
Panic! has been through a lot of changes since its inception. Originally from Las Vegas, the band got its big break in 2004 when it sent a link of demos to Fall Out Boy. Two key members, Jon Walker and Ryan Ross, left in 2009 due to musical differences. Urie is the only original member remaining in the band, with new members who tour with him, including a new bassist, Nicole Row, although touring member Kenny Harris was recently fired from the band due to a “personal matter”, a press release from the band said.

The “High Hopes” video is much more literal than the band’s past videos, which bordered on the bizarre. But some miss that former style from when the band was, well, still a band.
One of those fans is 10th grader, Naomi Blankenbiller. Naomi has been jamming out to Panic! since she was a little kid, when one of her older sisters was obsessed with them. She often remembers seeing the videos when she was young. The new video is not as exciting as the older ones, she said.
“I liked the concept of [the video], but it wasn’t that exciting because [Brendon Urie] was just walking up a building.”
Others feel differently about the concept of Brendon mixing up his genre.
Senior Samantha Heckler O’Connor believes that it’s OK for an artist to evolve, as long as it’s their choice, and not something forced on them by a record company.
“I feel like every artists needs to do something different occasionally, and I feel like it’s up to him to do what he wants to create. If this is what [Urie] wants to do with his art, I support it, but if he wants to go back, it’s his choice,” Samantha said.
Although some are disappointed by Panic!’s shift in style, Urie has really proven that he can make it on his own, without past members by his side.
Some of Urie’s new songs support the LGBT+ community, and he inspires many to chase after their dreams, no matter who they like or what they identify as. He is often seen on stage performing Girls/Girls/Boy with a pride flag across his neck.
“He’s accepting of people in general, and that makes him a good person,” Naomi said.
What most find inspiring about Urie is his perseverance.
“He is doing what he likes, and there is something poetic about that,” Samantha said. “I wouldn’t say his career is a goal, but the fact that he went after that at such a young age is inspiring.”
Senior Olivia Schoenly also said the new video is inspirational. She said she’s learned something new each time Panic! has released an album.
“Panic! helped me with opening up my music choice while giving me different perspective on life throughout the years, and with each new album, came a new outlook on life,” Olivia said.
By continuing to reach for his own dreams, Urie is inspiring the everyday individual to reach high for his or her’s.
“No matter how hard your dreams seem, keep going,” Urie comments on the band’s Youtube page. “You might even have to climb up the side of a building in downtown LA, but it’ll all be worth it at the top. Stay up on that rise.”

Samantha Hoffman is a sophomore who loves to read and write, and she is a member of The Cub. She enjoys fiction writing and is involved in The Accent. Other...