Color Run Runs into Trouble
The Color Run has run into some trouble this year, which could result in the cancellation of the race.
So far only ten students have signed up for the event, and sign ups end April 8th. If they don’t have 100 students signed up by the end of the week, the run will be canceled, said Class of 2017 Advisor Mrs. Jennifer Benning.
This would be a major loss of funding for this year’s junior class.
Last year, 100 people ran in the first annual fundraising race. “It was a blast,” said Class of 2017 Treasurer Harrison Otto.
The Color Run is a fundraiser that helps raise money for the class of 2017. Tickets cost $12 for juniors and $15 for sophomores and seniors. This money can be used for Prom and other class events.

James Mason is a writer for Temple University. When not writing for the newspaper, he can be found at home reading badly, writing badly, viewing bad...