Boyertown Advances in Rotary Speech Contest

Croner giving her speech on Saturday
Danielle Croner, local Rotary speech contest winner representing Boyertown, won first place at the semi-regional contest.
Croner attended the contest at the Steel River Playhouse in Pottstown, along with four other students from different schools in the area.
Each student gave a five- to seven-minute speech on a topic they are passionate about. Croner’s speech centered around the important influence of extracurricular activities.
After tabulating the judges’ results, Rotarian Jen Pennypacker announced the third, second, and first place winners.
Croner was thrilled to have placed first.
“This speech contest is extra special for me,” Croner said, “because it combines my love of public speaking with my passion for student activities and I get to share my message with other people.”
Next, the four semi-regional winners, including Croner representing the West Region, will present their speeches are at District Conference in Bushkill.
The speeches have to pass and address the Four Way Test of Rotary, which includes:
-Is this true?
-Is this fair?
-Does is build good friendships and good will?
-Is it beneficial?
Dr. Cooper • Apr 23, 2014 at 6:02 pm
Another great accomplishment Danielle.