Oscar Recap & Review
Oscar host Ellen DeGeneres takes a star studded selfie
On Sunday, May 2, movie lovers across the country sat down to watch the Oscars, the biggest and longest running movie award show on TV. Usually the show causes debate among viewers since most people can’t agree on what should win and what shouldn’t. I’m one of those people who think the academy snubs a lot of the more deserving winners. But surprisingly this year, I didn’t have a whole lot to complain about. For the most part, whoever deserved to win, won. That doesn’t mean the show was perfect, since there were some flaws with the winners and losers.
For starters about the show in general, Ellen DeGeneres was a great host. This is her second time hosting, and she did another great job. She was funny and didn’t try to offend anyone, like other hosts have. Whether passing out pizza or trying (successfully) to crash Twitter, she always manages to bring a smile to my face. I also enjoyed the performances from the Best Original Song nominees. All of them sounded great live. Overall, it was one of the better Oscar ceremonies I’ve seen.
The Best Picture winner this year was 12 Years a Slave, which was a predictable winner. It is powerful, greatly directed, acted to perfection, and the only movie to date to accurately depict slavery. That being said, Gravity was the better movie and should have won. The main reason it lost to 12 Years was because 12 Years was a true story. The academy is a sucker for true stories, and not only was this one a true story, but it also was about racism. And since the academy has been criticized as a white man’s club for years, they couldn’t pass up the opportunity to give it the award. Even Ellen DeGeneres acknowledged this at the beginning of the show when she said either 12 Years a Slave will win Best Picture or everyone will be called racists. Sure, she was joking when she said it, but there was still truth to it.
The Best Actor award went to Matthew McConaughey for his performance in Dallas Buyers Club. Sure, his performance was really good, but it seems whenever someone talks about it all they talk about is that he lost 40-plus pounds for the role. Yes this is impressive, but it was the performance that counts, not the dedication. And while his dedication is admirable, I think the award should’ve gone to Robert Redford for his performance in All is Lost – and he wasn’t even nominated. Of all the wins and losses this year, the only one I had a BIG problem with was Robert Redford’s snub for a Best Actor nomination. He is one of the legends of Hollywood and one of the most critically acclaimed actors of all time, yet he was only nominated once in his career for acting. So this year when he did All Is Lost – in which he plays a man lost at sea after a collision with a shipping container, one of the best movies and performances of his career – not only did most people think he was a guaranteed nomination, but a guaranteed win.
Cate Blanchett won for Best Actress for her performance of a socialite who suffers a breakdown in Blue Jasmine, and anyone who didn’t think she’d win is blind.
As far as Supporting Actors and Actresses go, both were fairly predictable. Jared Leto won Best Supporting Actor for Dallas Buyers Club, a well-deserved win and an easy one to guess, as he’s been winning supporting act awards since the movie came out. As far as Supporting Actress’s go, it really came down to Jennifer Lawrence and Lupita Nyong’o for their roles in American Hustle and 12 Years a Slave, respectively. And though Lupita ultimately won for her role, I was still kind of rooting for June Squibb to win for Nebraska, even though I knew she wouldn’t.
As far as the rest of the awards go, I didn’t have a problem with anything. Spike Jonze won Best Original Screenplay for Her, about a man who falls in love with a computer, which was good. 12 Years a Slave won Best Adapted Screenplay even though Before Midnight should have, but I’m fine with it not winning. And Frozen won Best Animated Film (of course) and Best Song for Let it Go (of course). Everything else was all technical stuff, and most of it was won by Gravity for reasons that don’t need explaining.
All in all, this year’s Oscars weren’t too bad. Most of the big winners I saw coming, so not a whole lot of the awards were surprising. Here’s hoping that Ellen hosts again because let’s face it, she was an awesome host.

James Mason is a writer for Temple University. When not writing for the newspaper, he can be found at home reading badly, writing badly, viewing bad...