Coffeehouse Displays BASH Talent

Adam Reynolds

Courtney Gehret performing at Coffeehouse.

On Wednesday, January 29, the BASH choir room was transformed into a coffeehouse for a night of art, coffee, and music performances by current and past BASH students.


Students put together a display featuring work by BASH’s finest artists to use as a backdrop for the performers. Spectators sat on the risers in a stadium-style setup to watch.


The event was emceed by junior Ty Miller, who introduced performers, featured artists’ work, and even played the dating game with junior Kelby McWherter. McWherter did not find a match among the eligible females, though; he instead made the wildly popular decision of choosing Ty Miller as his date to conclude the night, a definite crowd pleaser.


Performers were a combination of current BASH students and alumni. They included:

  • junior Alex Casper and alumnus Reece Christ
  • junior Devon Stackonis and almnus Zach Alex
  • juniors Randy Renninger and Zane Rutter
  • the duo of alumni Zach Alex and Dillon DeRosato


BASH’s own Math teacher, Mr. Garrett Crouse, started off the night with an untitled original and a cover of Rage Against the Machine’s “Bulls on Parade.”


Alex and DeRosato’s performance saw plenty of harmonic playing, as well as a Bright Eyes cover, and Renninger and Rutter performed a song about the beauty of sideburns.


Casper summed up his experience, his first ever live performance, by saying, “being able to get up and sing in front of such a great audience was amazing. I even have a few fans now!”


Graduate Matt Ailes said that it was “a lot of fun” and that he hopes to be able to play something like it in the future.