Pink Day Monday
Pink Day pins to support breast cancer awareness.
Monday, October 21, is Pink Day at Boyertown Area Senior High.
Participating is easy. All students have to do is wear pink and purchase either a one dollar sticker or a two dollar pin from any Health Club member – who can be identified by the pink breast cancer lanyards they wear on Monday.
Senior Colleen Canfield, Health Club President, says that Pink Day is “a great opportunity for students and staff to help raise awareness about Breast Cancer and donate to a great cause.”
Canfield announced that Health Club really wants to exceed what was raised on Pink Day last year.
It’s not too late to purchase a pin or sticker and support breast cancer awareness, research, and education.
All proceeds go towards the American Cancer Society. The American Cancer Society – originally known as The American Society for the Control of Cancer – was founded in 1934, with the main goal of raising awareness about the illness. It is one of largest and most widely-known cancer organization today, and it continues in its quest to raise both funds and awareness about cancer.