The Minutes
The issues regarding The Minutes initially brought up during the September 12th Committee of the Whole Meeting were once again brought up for discussion. The Board’s Solicitor, Jeffery T. Sultanik, opposed the addition of legal opinions into the minutes as it is in violation of attorney-client privilege. President Panarello clarified that only things said during the public meeting would be included, not anything that would be protected under attorney-client privilege, and that any addition would just be included as a footnote with a timestamp and not a full addition to the minutes as Director Brophy had wanted. The issue ultimately concluded with it being put in place that if anyone has an issue with how a certain minutes are recorded that that issue should be brought up during the motion to approve the minutes.
The Board approved several programs brought up at previous meetings. The Unified Sports program initially brought up at the November 26th School Board Meeting was approved. Only Director Dierolf opposed stating that she didn’t believe she had enough information to vote yes. The Flag Football program from the same meeting was also approved, this one unanimously. The board approved the hiring of new Superintendent Dr. Scott A. Davidheiser.