Extra Credit For Sale!

Aiden Cooper

Happy students with their FBLA stickers

This Friday, December 16th is Crazy Sweater Day here at Boyertown Area Senior High. Show your holiday spirit on Friday by wearing your crazy sweater with the “Crazy Sweater stickers” being sold by FBLA. Each sticker is 1 dollar and you can purchase up to 5 stickers from an FBLA student.

You may ask “Why would a student buy these stickers?” Well, many different teachers here at BASH will be giving out incentives that range from extra credit to homework passes and even candy!

If you need another reason to join in on the fun, all proceeds that come from the sale are going to build the veteran’s memorial that FBLA has been working hard to complete for the past 2 years.

So hurry up! You only have a few more days to purchase your stickers to wear on Crazy Sweater day.