Clubs at BASH
Clubs are an amazing experience and one of the best ways to make new friends!
Santa Ana Unified School District
Feel free to email the advisors of the clubs if you are interested in any of them!
Thinking about joining a club? Here at BASH we offer a variety of clubs anyone one can join. It is a great way to meet new people with the same interest as you and learn more about something you like to do. Here are some clubs to consider:
Academic Challenge: Mr. Turner [email protected]
Academic Challenge is a “quiz bowl/Jeopardy/Trivial Pursuit type contest.” The team competes against other schools to answer the questions quicker. If you have a strong interest in any school subjects, Academic Challenge would be good for you and you could help the team. They meet during Flex (day of the week TBD) in room 607.
ARC: Mrs. Haydt [email protected]
All students are allowed in ARC, which is for those with special needs to have fun with one another! They are not currently running, but they will be back at some point.
BASH TSA: Mr. Pennington [email protected]
“Technology Student Association is committed to providing BASH students with the ability to showcase their skills in STEM related fields and activities against the best high school students across the world. Beyond that, TSA students are offered experiences to gain leadership skills, earn scholarships, network with hundreds of thousands of students nationwide, and travel to new and exciting places. Competitions have many skill sets and topics, ranging from public speaking, technical writing, building, drawing and design, coding, graphics, photography, and much more!”- Mr Pennington. TSA meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-5pm in all the Tech Ed areas.
BASH TV News:Mr. Cherkasky [email protected]
You may have seen the TV News in your homeroom, if not the news is responsible for the morning announcements at BASH. Weather, sports, news, and Pick of the Week are just a few of the segments that the announcements consist of.
If you are interested in joining BASH TV News you must have taken at least one year of telecommunications and then fill out an application at the end of the school year.
Cub News: Mrs.Kraus [email protected]
The Cub news is probably what you are reading this on right now, so have you been checking out the Cub? If you want space to write about school news, pop culture, or just any kind of news article you would be perfect for the Cub News, and we would love to have you! Please contact Mrs. Kraus if you are interested in joining or submitting an article.
Drama Club: Mrs. Haley [email protected]
In Drama club, the students produce the fall and spring play, help with musicals, and work on theater skills. The Fall ball is the only event the club has during the beginning of the year until November 13. Afterwards, they will have weekly meetings. From now until then they meet every day from 3-4pm Monday through Friday in the FAUD.
FCA: Mr. Jones [email protected]
Fellowship of Christian Athletes, better known as FCA, is a student-led club that meets Tuesday mornings at 7:00 A.M. in the chorus room. As you walk by, you’ve probably seen us up and moving while playing games, or simply sitting and listening, enjoying lessons and good company. We are so blessed to be able to meet in person this year on campus, a luxury that we didn’t have in last year’s circumstances. In our meeting time, we play games, have snacks when permitted, and listen in on the club’s core team sharing biblical lessons, testimonies, and scripture.
Our main focus in FCA is allowing a place for like minded people to come together and offer support, acceptance, and overall kindness to all students. Anyone is welcome to join! We also have events as FCA such as our glow in the dark dodgeball tournament, a group picnic, and summits where we come together to have fun and expand our relationship with God. Our goal this year is to have open arms to all students, staff, and groups as we offer a safe space filled with love and a passion for helping others. Join us Tuesdays at 7 A.M. in the choir room! Even if you ride the bus, feel free to come down when you arrive! Mr. Jones will be at the athletic entrance at 7 for anyone interested. We’d love to have you! Hope to see you soon!
Envirothon Team: Mrs. Hoffman [email protected]
Envirothon Team does competitions, (last year they were virtual) however Mrs. Hoffman does not have a team to compete yet and is not sure if there will be a competition this year. They have placed 2nd place in the country! They met everyday during flex to study and practice.
FBLA: Ms. Miller/ Mr.Bleiler [email protected]
FBLA is the Future Business Leaders of America. FBLA also looks good on college applications, and you get to be with people with the same interests as you. Any sophomore, junior or senior can apply and all they need to do is fill out an application.
Freshman Academy Technology Student Association (TSA): Mr. Schopf [email protected]
The freshman TSA is a competitive group of freshman students who are working hard in the STEM areas and more. TSA mets during flex period in room 422.
Insight: Mr. Cherkasky [email protected]
“Insight is a club that allows students to have their voices heard beyond the walls of the high school through television. It is a student-run talk show focusing on topics that are most important to the students and their peers. Each month, a new hour-long episode is aired on BearVision, Comcast channel 969, and also uploaded to the BASH-TV YouTube page.” They meet Tuesdays at 3pm in room 803.
Link Crew: Mr Crouse [email protected]
Link crew is a Freshman mentoring camp at BASH, which runs all year long. Each leader is assigned a group of freshmen to help throughout the school year. You can sign up before the school year next year. They meet once or twice a month throughout the school year.
Math Team: Mr. Turner [email protected]
The Math Team competes against other schools matched scores to solve challenging math problems. They also discuss strategies for solving math problems. Only students in algebra 2 and above are eligible to participate. They meet during 3rd and 9th period once a month in room 607.
Mini THON: Mr. Kusniez [email protected]
Mini THON is a fundraiser to get students to “stand up and fight” cancer. They host a night with lots of fun activities, music, and food. During this event, students raise money for Four Diamonds while standing up for 12 hours. They meet mornings during flex in room 419. Mini THON will be held February 25, 2022 this school year!
School Store: Mr. Letts [email protected]
The School Store is run by students during the school day and practices purchasing, organizing, inventory, marketing, and essentially running a real store. They meet daily in room 411.
Science Olympiad: Mr. Knight/Mr. Eidle j[email protected], [email protected]
Science Olympiad competes against other schools in science-based events. There are a variety of different events; Lab-based, knowledge based, and building events are included. They meet at 3pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays (based on student needs) in room 218.
STEALTH: Lucie Bergeyova, Karen Kooker [email protected] [email protected]
STEALTH stands for Students Training, Eating, and Living Totally Healthy. They want to encourage healthy lifestyles and the principles of wellness. During their meetings they workout in the fitness center, play team games, plan school wide events, tournaments, and find ways to volunteer in our community. As of now STEALTH is not running, but they are hoping to be back soon.
Student Council: Mr. Kusniez [email protected]
“Student Council is a group of students who work to run fun events for the student body and community. We work to put together events such as Homecoming, Wish Week, and Mr. Boyertown by creating decorations, getting volunteers, and figuring out all the other “behind the scene” details. Our goals are to create strong student leaders and create a fun school environment!” Student Council meets Thursdays at 3pm in room 419.
The Accent: Mr. DiLanzo [email protected]
The Accent is our school’s literary magazine. There are many different types of projects the meetings consist of; free-writing, responding to a provided prompt, working on pet projects, discussing writing, and peer editing. For any students interested in a fun, relaxed environment and being part of a writing community, the Accent is perfect! In previous years, they have handed out their magazine for free at the Arts Expo. Students interested in submitting creative writing, songs, poetry, creative nonfiction, photography, and artwork. Students can email their submissions to [email protected]
If you are interested in joining any of these clubs please contact one of the club advisors, they would love to hear from you!

Morgan is a Senior at BASH, and is very sad this will be her last year writing for The Cub. She is very excited to take on the role of Co-Editor in Chief...