Computer Trouble? The Student IT Helpdesk is here to help!
12th Grader Peyton Lutchkus is a student intern at the IT Helpdesk at BASH!
Let’s face it: Even though we aren’t using our computers as much as we did last year, problems with WiFi connections, trackpads and Infinite Campus are still at large… and what better place to go for your technology needs than BASH’s very own Student IT Helpdesk?
At the IT Helpdesk, Boyertown student interns help their classmates with troubleshooting problems of all kinds – no appointment necessary! Located to the left of the first bookcase in the Library, the IT Helpdesk is open Periods 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8, as well as Flex!
Many talented students are a part of this incredible team, including 12th grader Peyton Lutchkus. “I have known for a while that I want to study Cyber Security/Computer Science in college, and wanted to gain more knowledge and have more experience with computers during my senior year,” remarks Peyton. “My mom told me about applying for the IT internship this past summer, and I knew that would be the perfect opportunity to learn more about computers! I also spent a lot of time talking with my guidance counselor who helped me fit the internship into my schedule and assisted me in the process of applying for it.”
“I did not need any training to be a part of this program, although I am most likely going to get my Google and HP Certifications this year to help get familiar with both Chromebooks and HP laptops,” Peyton says.
All of the student interns share the same mentor, Mrs. Hester. She is there to assist the interns when the Student IT Helpdesk is open. “Mrs. Hester,” Peyton says, “has been a great help in teaching me how to solve the new computer problems I face everyday!”
If you are interested in getting an internship to be a part of this program, talk to someone involved in IT and your guidance counselor to see if you can participate! Peyton also recommends that anyone interested should “take classes at BASH in order to have experience with computers. Some classes I would take are Honors JAVA Programming, Microsoft Office Certifications, DE Web Design, and DE Computer Applications!”
Whether you have no internet, a malfunctioning program, or a glitchy screen, there is a group of talented students waiting to help you at the Student IT Helpdesk – stop by today or email Peyton ([email protected]) for more information!
MaryAnn is a sophomore this year, and this is her second year writing for the CUB. She's always looking for an interesting or strange event to tell...
Grand Pa • Sep 15, 2021 at 7:46 pm
Dear MAL,
Thank you for the informative report. I hope your fellow students take use of the many advantages you have shared with them. All my love, Grand Pa…