Creative Arts: Word Project Pushes Student Self-Reflection


Blaze Myers

Delaney Brucker’s word project featured the word, “happy,” reflecting her recent struggles.


Jocelyn Lear
Delaney recently experienced struggles that inspired her piece.

A large part of teenage life is figuring out who one is; a significant sign of maturity is figuring out who one wants to be.

This is displayed in Mr. Dareneau’s Introduction to Drawing classes, where students recently completed a “word project.” The goal is to describe themselves, or what other people see them as.

“It’s less who they are, and more who they want to be,” Mr. Dareneau said.

Sophomore Delaney Brucker took the project to a deeper level.

Her project, featuring the word “happy,” brings to light what she wishes people to see her as.

“I’ve gone through a bunch of rough patches recently,” Delaney said.

Art is an outlet for her, she said.

“There are kind of a lot of drawings in my sketchbook,” she said. “It’s an outline of my brain, an outlet for all the stress.”

She revealed other drawings of hers, all with a similar inspiration: pressure and stress.

Jocelyn Lear
One of Delaney’s artworks displays a demon who represents anxiety.

One drawing featured a demon.

“It’s the stress or inner demons coming down,” she said. “It’s what anxiety feels like, holding your throat, you can’t really breathe.”

A lot of her drawings are unfinished. Many are inspired by songs.

“I use quotes from songs to figure out what to draw,” Delaney said. “There’s a lot of [drawings], a lot I also have not finished.”

Delaney is currently in Intro to Drawing, as well as Ms. Vogel’s art flex. In the past, she took Mixed Media.

Social anxiety and stress reflect the pressures students are put under, and are the center for Delaney’s art.

Jocelyn Lear
Delaney explaining the shattered appearance of another drawing, and how it relates to social anxiety.
Jocelyn Lear
Another artwork by her that is up for display in the art hallway.