On January 27th, BASH’s admin sent out an email detailing information about senior prom, which will be held on May 2nd, 2025. Many students are currently shopping for their dress, or making plans with their friends. Whatever the case, it is important to be aware of some logistical things that are happening beforehand. Should some of these days be missed, it could hinder a students ability to attend, so listen up!
The email included a few important dates for students and parents to be aware of. These days are March 25, and April 1st-3rd. Tuesday, March 25th, 2025, is the deadline that all obligations, which includes fees and detentions, must be cleared by 11:59pm. This is required to attend prom. To check if you have any obligations, sign into infinite campus, hit the “more” tab on the left, and then click on “Obligations” to see any outstanding detentions and fees. If they both say zero, then you’re good!
Tuesday, April 1st, through Thursday, April 3rd, is when tickets for prom officially go on sale. Tickets will be for sale during homeroom in the new auditorium. Additional information about the time, price, location, and theme will be sent out around mid to late March, so keep on top of emails.
A recent BASH graduate, Kayla Jomarron, was asked what she thought of her prom. “It was definitely a great experience. I wouldn’t have done anything differently. It holds some of my favorite memories, as well as I was glad to see everyone all together in their fancy attire. I’d recommend everyone to go. So many people regret not going to their senior prom, don’t be one of them.”
Some current BASH students were interviewed about prom. Hannah Penoyer, a senior at BASH, said she, “can’t wait for prom.” Hannah Bond, a junior at BASH, spoke about how she’s looking forward to her senior prom, saying, “I do plan attending and hopefully get a date! I’m looking forward to dancing all night and the next day!”
Naomi Dyer had some closing advise for BASH’s seniors, as we get closer to prom season. “I think seniors should go because it’s their last year at Boyertown, and they should enjoy it while they still can” she said.
Going forward, we hope everyone participating has a fun and safe night.