Bash Cub Presents

The Cub’s Editor-In-Chief John Loos and Co-Editor Ethan Millard presented to the School Board in hopes to have the Board approve funding for the publication, which is provided by Frederick Living. In addition both of them presented their senior presentations, which cover their future plans as well as the various assignments they completed in homeroom throughout their years in high school, to the School Board. Alison Moyer, the communications director of the Boyertown Area School District, said that this was the first time that they have done this and there will be more senior presentations at future meetings. The presentation for the Cub covered information about both of the editors, as well as more information about the Cub. This included its mission statement, accomplishments by Cub writers, and a thank you to Frederick Living for providing funding. The Board ended up voting unanimously in favor of approving the funding for the Cub. Director Kratz and Director Neiman both thanked them for their presentation, with Director Nieman saying “It sounds like they had a fantastic teacher supporting them, which means a lot.”
Janitorial Wages
Director Dierolf voiced concern that there has been no increase in wages for the janitors, something she had been backing for two years, saying it was [an] “embarrassing thing in this community.” Director Scott concurred, saying that the district has the money to give the janitors a raise. Director Scott also noted that the district is not competing with other schools to hold these jobs, but rather they are competing with local businesses, and are losing as those businesses are paying more. As of time of writing, the Districts janitors are only making 14 dollars an hour, which is less than comparable jobs in the area.
Miscellaneous Topics
A report on the amount of money received through taxes was given, with the District receiving around 6,795,462 dollars through taxes. Some accomplishments by student athletes, such as the girls volleyball team, who were playing in the first round of the district playoffs that night, were congratulated by Director Updegrove and Director Kratz.
The full meeting can be watched here.
The next Committee of the Whole meeting will take place on November 12th, 2024.