On Friday, October 11th, BASH held the homecoming football game where they announced the homecoming court and the homecoming queen. The homecoming court consisted of Victoria Munoz, Lillian Kerkuz, Marlee Konnick, Katharine Mullins, and Kaitlyn Buckley who were introduced by a parent.
The homecoming queen was Victoria Munoz who was lead by her father. The speaker said that Victoria’s involved in cheerleading, traveling, honor roll, TSA, link crew, and key club. After graduation, she plans to get her masters in education to become an elementary school teacher.

The night continued on as the Boyertown bears faced Springford. Boyertown took an unfortunate loss of 6-31 against Springford. The Boyertown bears gave it their all and will only come back stronger next time. Boyertown may have been caught lacking once, but they won’t be caught lacking again.

October 11th was also pink out at BASH. Pink out is a day where everyone wears pink to show their support for anyone battling breast cancer. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women and wearing pink on pink out means a lot to anyone who may have or be related to someone who is or has battled breast cancer. So many people at school showed their support by wearing pink and it is always appreciated.

On October 12th, Bash held its annual homecoming dance as well. At the homecoming dance the school offered food and drinks as well as a DJ who played lots of fantastic music. Homecoming is a night where from 7PM-10PM Students can have a chance to relax and dance. Its a great way to hang out with friends, and you can even bring a guest from another school. Going to homecoming this year was definitely a night to remember.