Homecoming’s only three weeks away! It will consist of a football game, Friday October 6th, and a dance, Saturday. October 7th
The week leading up to homecoming (Oct 2 – Oct 6) is Spirit Week; Monday is Grou Fit, Tuesday is Jersey Day, Wednesday is Taylor Swift “Eras” Day, Thursday is Bear Pride, and Friday is pink out.
During the school day on Friday, October 6th, there will be a pep rally at 1:45 pm. BASH will be on a pep rally bell schedule for this day.
The football game is on October 6th, at the BASH football stadium, at 7:00pm. The Boyertown Bears will be playing the Methacton Warriors. The homecoming queen will be crowned during halftime. The homecoming queen nominees are Emily Walter, Quinn Gilmore, Kayla Jomarron, Sabrina Falzone, and Alina Friz. Tickets for this game are for sale online, 3 dollars for students and 6 dollars for adults.

The homecoming dance will be on Saturday, October 7th, the next day. The homecoming king will be crowned during the dance. The homecoming king nominees are John Homa, Jason Oakes, Cole Yesavage, Evan Lichtfus, and Kern Micah.
Tickets for the homecoming dance will be on sale next week, September 18th – September 22nd. Tickets can be bought during lunch period for 15 dollars. There’s also a food voucher available for purchase for an additional 5 dollars.
Tickets will be on sale during lunch periods. Seniors without a lunch period can buy a ticket in room 419 during homeroom. BCTC students may purchase their tickets during 5th period.