College visits at BASH are all virtual!

Picture from the college visitation calendar document.
In a normal year, BASH has representatives from colleges come into the school and talk to students about the school and what they have to offer. However, this year they are going to be all virtual. The colleges are broken down by month and time slot, and even provide their own zoom link for the meetings in this google document. The school counseling page even includes a video and a powerpoint presentation on the process of signing up for these visits. Students that are interested in attending one of these meeting should fill out the attendance form on the counseling page and if they must miss a class to attend, it is very important that the teacher approves of the student missing the class. Lastly, the student should mark the date make sure they have it saved somewhere so that they do not miss the college visit. If students need more information, it can be found here.

Cheyenne is a senior this year and it is her second year on The Cub, while she is also in her third year of taking journalism. She likes to write about...