Update to student Chromebooks
Starting at the end of the day on Wednesday, December 14, 2022, Boyertown Area School District is turning off access to all social media and streaming services (Hulu, Netflix, etc.) on all student Chromebooks.
BASD sent an email sent out to all students and families stating, when BASD issued one on one devices for all students, the intent was to provide an additional tech tool for educational purposes only. While perhaps never stated directly, these devices were not intended to become personal devices for personal use outside the realm of learning, whether during in-school or at-home time.
The decision to restrict access to social media and streaming services was made in collaboration with building administration, IT, teacher input, safety team members, and district administration. Our students’ digital integrity and safety were at the forefront of every discussion. Our team has confirmed that restricting access will not impact the intended educational use of student devices.
We did not make this decision lightly and understand that some may not agree it is necessary. We respect that opinion, and as long as your child is not accessing the BASD network, this decision will not impact personal devices in any way.

Emma is a sophomore at BASH, and this is her second year working with the newspaper, along with taking journalism II. Emma joined as a good way to build...