School Meal Changes

Since Covid hit, the school district has been supplying two free meals to each student each school day. However, as the 2022-2023 school year begins there has been changes to the federal meal waivers.
The school district’s intended goal for the last two school years was to leave no child hungry by providing a free breakfast and lunch meal for each individual student. The School Nutrition Association quotes “As the students return to school this year your school nutrition staff will will welcome them back with healthy school meals that fuel students to be successful inside and outside of the classroom.”
While the School Nutrition Association is continuing to offer healthy school meals, the government will no longer be allowing all schools to serve free meals to each and every student. Instead, BASH will be going back to offering free and reduced lunches to families who are eligible to qualify. This year to qualify you must apply to receive the free and or reduced lunches.
Many students are still unaware of this switch, resulting in students receiving negative balances in the first week of school. If you have a negative balance you can turn the money into your homeroom teacher or contact your school lunch director.
For more information check out!

Morgan is a Senior at BASH, and is very sad this will be her last year writing for The Cub. She is very excited to take on the role of Co-Editor in Chief...