Junior Prom Updates
Enough tickets have been sold which means; Junior Prom is still on! In spite of this, there are many new updates including mask guidelines and guest passes.
The prom will still be held on March 25, 2022 in the Cub gym at 7:00-10:00pm. Each student will have to arrive at registration in the New auditorium lobby with their school ID, and without it, the student will receive a refund. Yet although originally masks were deemed as mandated, now the masks guidelines will adhere to the district rules on the day of the event; optional as of now.
There will be no guest passes for this dance, but students from BASH in other grades are allowed to attend, as long as they have their school ID. IDs are scanned to check obligations, therefore students with obligations are unable to attend.
All information is able to change at any time, latest information can be found on the BASH 2023 page!

Morgan is a Senior at BASH, and is very sad this will be her last year writing for The Cub. She is very excited to take on the role of Co-Editor in Chief...