Live Day heats up TV News
Live Day, an all-day event occurring annually on the half-day before winter break, had the theme of “July in Christmas.”
Live Day, an all-day broadcast that takes place every year on the half-day before winter break begins, had a packed schedule of skits, live performances, and fun.
This year’s Live Day had the theme of, “July in December,” a twist on the classic, “Christmas in July.” The theme, as well as many of the skits, were decided by the BASH TV News crew.
“We usually start a month before, talking about it. We discuss the theme, coming up with ideas for skits and start narrowing it down,” TV teacher Mr. Cherkasky said. “Beginning of December we start advertising for people to come sign up.”
For those involved, it’s “absolute chaos” keeping the show running smoothly.
“It is 100% probably the most stressful four-hour stretch that you’ll ever be a part of. Of all the things I’ve directed it was easily the most stressful, and that’s on top of concerts, as well,” Sports Anchor, Editor, and senior PJ Riddell said. “Extremely stressful, extremely chaotic, but so rewarding when we finally called it off at the end of [ninth] period.”

One of the skits, “Wheel of Misfortune,” was a nightmare twist on the “Wheel of Fortune” show.
A major aspect of Live Day are the abundant skits, usually organized by either the BASH TV students, or students in Mr. Cherkasky’s telecommunications classes. One such skit, “Wheel of Misfortune,” had students arguing over who would get to participate in it.
“The class was fighting over who would get punished in the game, and they ended up narrowing it down and voting on four people,” Mr. Cherkasky said.
Other skits included “Family Feud,” between the Cub and BASH TV News, “Pictionary,” “Steve Berkwin’s Improv Showcase,” a Karaoke Contest between BASH Staff, a Kahoot game, a Meme Analysis show, “Charades with Aidan,” and a Bob Ross parody titled, “The Joy of Painting with Blaze Ross.”
“Mr. C shot down my more extreme ideas, Bob Ross was a compromise,” senior Blaze Myers said. “I contacted the art department and found someone willing to commission PJ for me. Also, Mr. C had a spare afro wig.”
The opportunities at Live Day can be very enriching.
“I’m a senior and felt I had to take this time to be on Live Day, or I’d feel I wasted an opportunity,” Blaze said.
Students also have the ability to sign up to perform for Live Day, allowing exposure and expression for those who choose to take it.

Matt Makela, a senior, performed an original song titled “The Columbus Manifesto,” co-written with BASH alumnus Jarrod Karwacki.
“It’s a chance for everybody to genuinely express what they’re interested in and take that step of confidence to be able to display that in front of everybody,” PJ said. “I think there’s a lot of people there that without that opportunity given, they wouldn’t take that step to really let their true self show.”
Another opportunity that Mr. Cherkasky gives each year is for the last year’s graduated TV News students to return on Live Day.
“They want to come back, and they’re home from school,” Mr Cherkasky said. “That’s something we did from the very beginning too.”
The tradition stemmed from past bands being a mix of both graduates and current high school students.
“We used to have a lot of bands. They would come back and potentially perform with people, so that was a big part of it as well,” he said.
However, this chance allows alumni to see their friends and celebrate during the holiday season.

Each Live Day, the previous year’s graduates have a chance to return and participate in the festivities.
“Live day has a nice vibe, I see a lot of my friends that I haven’t in a while,” 2019 BASH alumnus Jonathan Xhoxhi said. “Just because I knew so many kids in high school, it’s nice to see everyone. As much crap as this school gets, I love it.”
Majoring in Management at IUP, but hoping to switch soon to a Marketing major, Xhoxhi had some parting advice for high school students.
“In college, nobody really cares about you except you, and it’s really scary,” he said. “But you just need to make sure you’re on top of your stuff; if you’re not on top of it, nobody is. Enjoy yourself. I mean, I’m not old, but it goes way faster than you think. And don’t pass out with your shoes on, I have seen so many shoes stolen.”
Live Day has come a long way from its origins, estimated to be 1995.
“It started in the mid-90s, probably ’95. I wasn’t a teacher here yet,” Mr. Cherkasky said.
The program began as a parody of Saturday Night Live, as well as a platform to sell some of the pottery and artwork from the art department.
“It wasn’t as elaborate as what we have today. When I got here, I saw what they were doing, and I carried it on because the kids seemed to like it,” he said. “I like the different acts, you know. Sometimes I get to see students I normally wouldn’t see, they come up and perform, so I like that.”
See some more photos of Live Day below. Live Day is available to purchase on BASH TV News’ BASD-TV Downloads.

Jocelyn is a graduate of BASH. She served three years in the CUB and she previously wrote for the East Observer. She was in many clubs, such as SADD, Stage...

Blaze Myers is a graduate of BASH. His senior year was his first year in the CUB, previously only collaborating. He was in several leadership positions,...