History Europe Trip Set for 2020

Normandy will be among sites students will have the opportunity to visit on the history trip to Europe in 2020.
BASH is known for their unique educational trips offered to students. Spanish students travel to Costa Rica every year and the music department organizes a trip to Europe every two years. Now the history department is offering a Europe trip with the theme being World War II.
The idea of this trip came from social studies teacher Mr. Bleiler.
“I’ve been on the music trip to Europe twice,” he said. “Seeing Europe is a great educational experience for students, but only music students could do it. Now history students have the opportunity.”
The World War II trip was announced at the beginning of the school year. It is scheduled to take place from April 1 to 11, 2020, meaning that current twelfth grade students will not be eligible to participate in the trip.
Senior Patrick Coates wishes he and his classmates could participate in the trip even if they are no longer high school students.
“The current seniors can take a break from college and come on the trip,” he said. “This trip will be a special experience for anyone who has a passion for history.”
Patrick would attend the trip if he was allowed rather than go on the senior trip to Disney because it’s easier to visit Disney World in the United States.
“It’s special to travel to another country and experience a different culture and [learn about] important history that affected our future,” Patrick said.
Advanced Placement European history teacher Mrs. Clager believes the trip will affect the interest level in history.
“It will have a great increase,” she said. “Traveling changes a person as they will never be the same with a new outlook and experience in culture. When you see historical sites you learned or will learn in school, it makes a difference on how you view the history behind it.”
Participants on the trip will explore famous places in Europe, including the beaches of Normandy, the site of the Allied invasion of Normandy, the largest seaborne invasion of history. This invasion led to the liberation of Nazi-occupied France and the foundation of Allied victory in Europe.
“10,000 Allied troops died during the first day of the invasion,” Mrs. Clager said. “The beaches were soaked in blood as the Allies were being gunned down by Germans from stations overlooking the beaches. This site will changed the way students view history.”
Mr. Bleiler also hopes that this trip encourages student’s interest in history before and after the trip. He believes that since students have been learning about World War II in school, the trip will be a real spark to peak their interest.
“I hope that students will learn to have a greater appreciation for what happened in the war,” he said. “Students will understand the sacrifices soldiers made from the lessons we learned in school.”
The payments for the trip will be similar to other trips Boyertown offers, with the cost consisting of $230 per month between now and spring 2020.
While students are excited for the trip, some are worried about the cost.
“I would like to go on the trip, but I don’t know if I can since it’s expensive,” junior Alex Obarow said.
While the trip is indeed expensive, fundraising will be an option for students who cannot afford the trip. However, the fundraising details have not been finalized, Mr. Bleiler said.

James is a senior and Editor-in-Chief. This is his third year writing for the Cub. He is involved in journalism because he enjoys writing and reporting...