Senior Spotlight: Morgan Dwornik, Editor in Chief

Morgan’s senior year photo, taken over the summer during senior photos.
As the 2022-2023 school year comes to an end, the Cub says goodbye to Morgan Dwornik, Editor in Chief. Morgan’s been highly involved throughout her high school years. Along with being Editor in Chief, she’s been involved with The National Honor Society (NHS), Green Cord, Key Club, Concert Choir, journalism classes, and an internship with the district’s Communications Director, Allison Moyer.
Morgan’s been involved in The Cub and Journalism for two years. She initially joined because of her passion for writing. This year, she, along with Emma Wenerowicz, are Editors in Chief. “I loved working with Emma” Morgan said “I think we did a good job together.”
Morgan has also been doing an internship with Alison Moyer, the Communications Director for the Boyertown Area School District. During 8th and 9th period, Morgan goes to the Education Center and works on editing the Let’s Talk Tuesday’s newsletter, which is a newsletter celebrating our district that is sent out every other week. She has her own column that she writes for, “I’ve done spotlights on different staff throughout the district. I’ve gone to all the schools throughout the district and got the chance to talk to so many different people. I did articles on some of the people throughout our district that normally tend to get overlooked, for example, I did a spotlight on a janitor from Colebrookdale and the cafeteria staff here at the high school” she said.
Outside of journalism and communications, Morgan’s part of NHS. To be considered for NHS, one must have a grade point average of no less than 3.5, at least 20 hours of community service, and must have their application accepted.
Morgan’s also been a member of Key Club throughout her junior year. Key Club is a service/volunteer organization for high school students. “We did a lot of volunteering; that’s where I got most of my volunteer hours from. We made stuff for senior citizens, made cards, and did a lot of work for our community,” Morgan said.
The best part of her high school career, she says, was getting to go to Disney. “I think it wrapped up [my year]. I’ve been friends with those people for the past four years and spending a whole week with them was really fun”
Morgan will be attending Saint Joseph’s University in the fall. She’s pursuing a major in communications with a minor in journalism. She hopes to one day write for a newspaper. “After college, my dream is to write for a magazine or a newspaper.”
Looking back at her high school years, Morgan’s glad she got involved. Her advice to incoming freshmen is to “Make the most of your time, it went by so fast. I feel like yesterday I was in 8th grade.”
Although the Cub is sad to see her go, we wish her the best as she embarks on the beginnings of young adulthood.

John is a senior this year at BASH. This is his third year working with the newspaper and his fourth year taking journalism. He joined journalism for a...