The Undercover Heros that keep Students Smiling
Picture taken by Morgan Dwornik
The BASH cafeteria where our wonderful cafeteria staff serve students each day. Picture taken by Morgan Dwornik
It’s my senior year, and everything feels sentimental. I am coming up on my last classes and interactions with my teachers. I am also reflecting on the things I have taken for granted, like the cafeteria staff here at BASH. At the beginning of the year, I started regularly walking up to the same staff member to check out my food, and after a while, she began to remember my name and then started asking me about my day. Now, each day, I get to say “hello” and have a short conversation. Even if it’s just for a few seconds, the interaction never fails to make me smile for the rest of my day. Even though I may only be in the cafeteria for 40 minutes each day, the impact the staff has left on me has compelled me to ensure they get the appreciation they deserve.
I got to sit down with all twelve ladies during their lunch and discuss what it is like working in food services. The ladies begin their day by prepping, stocking, and cooking food all morning. Once 4th-period lunch rolls around, they are on their feet for the next four periods. After accumulating as many as 10,000 steps, they finally take a break and each lunch together. Then it’s back to work – cleaning and prepping for the next day. This fantastic group of women devotes their whole day to ensuring we students get fed lunch or even breakfast every day and still have a smile on their faces when we come in for food.
Even though making food for every student can be challenging, the ladies say their favorite part of the day is “chatting and getting to know the kids” and “talking to the regulars.”
Getting this position was perfect for most of these 12 ladies because they are mothers. Once their children start school, working the same hours and having summers off offers them the flexibility to care for their kids.
“I love this job! This is my favorite job I’ve ever had,” says Kim, and we are glad you are here at BASH, also.
It is easy to take people for granted. As a student, I am sure that we often overlook the heroic efforts of staff members who work “behind the scenes.” We don’t realize how much work they put into making our days run smoothly. Additionally, they often go out of their way to make us smile. To this incredible team of women that I have overlooked, I am incredibly thankful for you. You are just one example of the good things here at BASH! You bring a smile to my face – even on my toughest days. Thanks for being you!

Morgan is a Senior at BASH, and is very sad this will be her last year writing for The Cub. She is very excited to take on the role of Co-Editor in Chief...