E-Hallpass – What you need to know
On Monday the 12th of September, BASH’s new hall pass was launched. The E-hallpass is the new and modern way the school is using passes for the halls. If you find all this confusing and it makes you stressed, do not worry!
Why did the high school decide to adopt it? BASH hopes it will keep track of students easier than doing it on papers. They also wish it would stop students from hanging in the halls for a while or just wandering around.
How the pass works is you sign in with your Google account on the website. When you do, you are brought to the main page. If you want to sign out, you first select where you are, and the teacher. Below it, you put your destination you are traveling to.
When you send it, you have to wait for your teacher to approve it. If it is approved, you go to your location, and a timer starts on your computer. When you return, the teacher has to stop the timer, confirming you have returned. How the timer works is you have a limit of 10 minutes.
We asked not just students, but teachers and staff on what their thoughts are on the E-Hallpass.
“Although it feels rushed…it’s not a bad idea” remarks a student when asked about the pass.
“The requirement to sign in and out is stressful, but this will be very useful for stopping students from being in the halls a while,” says Mr Cherkasky. He loves the idea of being able to see when students have been out and for how long every day. He believes that this will just take time to get used to, which is the same situation a couple years ago with the new printers. Teachers didn’t like the idea of the printers, but we’ve gotten used to them over time despite the initial concerns.
Mrs. Clager follows a similar theme. “Despite not liking to learn how to use the technology, I believe this is a great step for BASH and its security.” She believes the system is great, and they can finally track kids who linger in the halls and try to skip out of class time. “Before, a kid could go out for 10 minutes every day during the same period. In a week, that would be 50 minutes. That is as long as the period.”
According to the analytics from E-Hallpass, over 1,000 schools use the system.
E-Hallpass is definitely going to be an adjustment, but many see its potential. Just like in the past with the new printers, BASH may just need to adapt to the change and accept it.

Evan Deegan is a Freshman who has joined The Cub Newspaper this year. In Elementary, he enjoyed making a class newspaper every friday. Since he has had...