In Memory of Eoin Towers

Eoin Towers, a beloved friend, son and student at Boyertown Area Senior High who will be missed greatly.
Just before Christmas, the Boyertown School District experienced the loss of 11th grader, Eoin Towers, on Saturday, December 18, 2021. Our thoughts and prayers remain with his friends and family as they navigate the new year without him.
Eoin was a current junior at BASH and he was involved in the Culinary Program at Berks Career and Technology Center. He also spent a lot of his time at Boyertown playing many different sports, which included, soccer, lacrosse, and track, along with enjoying playing percussion in band.
A sudden loss can cause many different feelings and reactions in students and BASH wanted to help students who needed help dealing with the tragic loss of a classmate. The following Monday after his death, BASH set up a “Student Safe Room” for students to go to if they needed help or wanted to talk to someone about the loss.
One Boyertown teacher helped her students cope with the loss by setting up the desk where he sat with a picture of him and allowed students to bring in flowers to honor his memory. That way students could openly grieve the loss of their classmate together, rather than alone.
BASH students share their thoughts and memories of Eoin:
“I met him freshman year we had a couple classes together and we got really close and then we just continued being close through quarantine and we would snap everyday. We weren’t as close this year because we didn’t see each other as much but we still talked. One of my favorite memories is us walking to bio together and him making me listen to his playlist, also when he would help me get my homework done so I wouldn’t fail. He would always make fun of me for the guys I would talk to and he would say gingers were the better way to go.” – Sydney Coy, 11th grade.
“I met him in middle school, we were in the same math class. We were kinda close like we would snap back and forth and stuff like that and talk everyday in school. We drifted apart in high school, but this year we were in the same physics class and we would talk almost every day. I remember him and I in middle school were fighting back and forth about math answers and who got it correct, and the next day in school it turns out he was right and he never let me live that down.” Patience Ross, 11th grade.
“[Eoin] was a classmate of mine. I had some good memories in the classes I had with him last year. When he wouldn’t come into school because of BCTC not happening, he would do the weirdest stuff. He would make pancakes in Mrs.Diaz’s class or throw water bottles across the room trying to make it into the trash can. In Kusnez’s [class] he would have full blown arguments about college basketball with Eoin and it would entertain the whole class; he was a great kid.” Asia Plotts, 10th grade.

Cheyenne is a senior this year and it is her second year on The Cub, while she is also in her third year of taking journalism. She likes to write about...

Carissa Blankenbiller is a senior this year and it is her first year in Cub, while she is also in her second year of journalism. She writes about basically...