School is back in full-swing! (mostly)
Boyertown Area Senior High School Main Entrance “One Boyertown” logo
The first day of school for Boyertown students was August 23, 2021 and it is somewhat back to normalcy! BASH has opened up more to what it was compared to last year. This year, students had to pick between being all virtual or to be all in-person and there was no hybrid option, unlike last year when BASH started with the hybrid model. Masks are even optional for the students in the building, and are not mandatory unlike last year. This year also has freshman along with the sophomores who have to learn their way around the school due to covid and not being able to be in the building their freshman year.
Most students are back in the building this year especially the seniors. They cannot wait to get this year done and to be on their way into their careers. Senior Liesl Wolf stated,”I feel like this year is different because a lot more people are back to school after being gone for a long time.”The seniors even got their class trip to Disney approved and are excited to be able to go, along with Student Council hosting their events after having a year of nothing.
Students are glad to be back and be able to socialize and see all of their friends that they haven’t seen for the past year and the staff are glad to see more faces in the building again. Overall, BASH students and staff are glad to have some normalcy back in their lives.
With that being said, have a good 2021-22 school year!

Cheyenne is a senior this year and it is her second year on The Cub, while she is also in her third year of taking journalism. She likes to write about...