The Accent 2020-2021 Edition: BASH writers shine!
Cover Artwork by Victoria Vile
The cover of The Accent 2020-2021.
The Accent is a creative writing club at BASH that is ran by Mr. Dilanzo. This club would typically take place during FLEX, but that is not the case for this year. The students involved work with each other and help each other with their writing. At the end end of the year, The Accent puts together a magazine to showcase their writings from the year.
Students who are interested and would want to join The Accent normally would have the option to joining through the list of FLEX Enrichment courses, but that was not the case for this year. If students did not get into the club in the beginning. they can always talk to Mr. Dilanzo about getting their FLEX switched or their guidance counselor.
The magazine produced by The Accent is filled with stories, poems, and other writing from club members and other students that have submitted their work to the magazine. But the magazine is not just writing. They also accept art and photography from around the school, which leads to them collaborating quite often with Mr. Dareneau and the rt/drawing FLEX enrichments. There is something for everyone in this magazine and sometimes it is just nice to sit and read poetry or a story. People typically can receive The Accent magazine for free at the arts expo that BASH holds. It is just something nice to showcase students’ hard work and has a bunch of different writings that appeal to everyone. The most recent version of The Accent can be found here and students can pick up a copy in the BASH library.
It even is a good way to help aspiring writers or artists. Victoria Vile, the art director of The Accent, stated “It’s helped me a lot, actually. My writing has improved a lot over the past three years, and so has my art. I’ve made a bunch of new friends through it, and made some good memories. The club has just been an overall good place for me, and has helped me through things. We preserves through the pandemic where other clubs didn’t by moving to after school hours with meetings, and they were the highlight of my week during quarantine. ”
Feel free to join The Accent by emailing Mr. Dilanzo at [email protected]!
“I felt a cold, damp hand grab my wrist, yet no hand was to be seen. I gasped and glanced around the classroom, but all head were bent in concentration No one spoke a word…The normally hyperactive teacher was left dozing at his desk.” Find out what happens next in “The Black Cat in Calliber Creek” by Sam Hoffman which appears on page 50 of The Accent.

Cheyenne is a senior this year and it is her second year on The Cub, while she is also in her third year of taking journalism. She likes to write about...