Meet your new Cub Staff Writers!
The Cub is lucky to announce several new, talented writers have joined the team this year! Although this year may look a little bit different, these students are ready to keep the stories coming!
Cheyenne Williams is a junior this year, but has previously taken journalism classes. This is actually what prompted her to join The Cub– she said she enjoyed all the writing and thought The Cub would be a great learning experience. Her favorite stories to write are features, because there is no specific topic to write about and she can basically write about anything she wants to. Cheyenne is also involved in competition baton twirling, dance, and runs with her local firehouse.
Leo Condi is a freshman this year at BASH, and pretty new to journalism. He decided to join The Cub because his parents thought it would be cool for him to write stories about politics and such, and he agreed. This said, Leo likes writing about politics, and considering it’s the main media he consumes, he is very knowledgeable of it. Along with watching the news, Leo also likes building computers, and going dirt biking on trails with his dad.
Austin Leahy is another freshman at BASH this year. He is also new to journalism, but says he often writes down constellations and what he sees stargazing. He was curious about the club, but wasn’t sure if he would be able to do it because of his other classes. Luckily he was able to join. If you don’t find him hunting down articles to write for the Cub, you might find Austin out fishing.
Connor McNeill is a senior this year. He joined The Cub because he has always enjoyed writing, especially about things he is passionate about. That being said, Connor likes writing sports stories, and is a big fan of Philadelphia teams. He is currently the secretary for Student Council, involved with Link Crew and NHS, and he enjoys golfing and skiing.
Emma Wenerowicz is a sophomore who joined The Cub because she has always been interested in journalism and has always liked writing. She thought it would be a fun opportunity and a good way to meet new people and to get to know the school a little bit better. She enjoys writing about current events and the new things that are happening at school, hearing about the behind the scenes of such events, and sharing peoples different thoughts on the events. Emma does dance and cheer, but also likes to bake and paint.
Mason Benning is a junior and joined The Cub because he, for the most part, likes to write stories mostly about sports. He ended up joining mainly because he found out his friend, PJ Riddell, was in The Cub, and he remembered he had an interest in joining, so PJ took him under his wing and mentored him all last year. Mason enjoys writing about sports, but mostly football including the games, players, drafts, and trades. He likes to run, work out, eat food, watch football, go to youth group, and just hang out with friends.
Payton Kalbach is a senior and joined The Cub because she loves to write and she felt this was the best outlet for her to learn and expand her abilities. She likes to write about basically anything, but mainly focuses on more current events. She likes drawing, reading, writing, and photography. Payton also played field hockey for 7 years.

Emma Wenerowicz is a senior here at BASH, and has been writing for the Cub since she was a freshman. Emma first joined the newspaper because of her love...