Senior Spotlight: Shannon Ludwig, News Editor

Emma Ludwig

Senior Shannon Ludwig was the 2019-2020 news editor for the Cub.

As the graduating seniors of the class of 2020 move on, Cub will be saying goodbye to news editor Shannon Ludwig after she spent three years as a member, and two in a leadership position. As a contributor to the East Observer at Boyertown Junior High East, she brought journalism experience to Cub once she reached the senior high. However, she credits Cub for enabling her to grow as a journalist, and as a person.

One of Shannon’s many academic achievements during her time at BASH included being a part of the National Honors Society. (Emma Ludwig)

“Prior to Cub, I was an extremely shy person, and being a part of the club enabled me to be more vocal and outgoing,” Shannon said. 

As she became part of the club, the interactions between fellow staff members stood out as some of her best memories.

“My favorite part about the Cub was the acceptance among the other members and the advisor,” she said. “Each morning brought a different topic of conversation as we worked, and while our opinions couldn’t be more opposite most times, we were always respectful which allowed me to voice my opinion.”

Just as she enjoyed the camaraderie with fellow staff members, she’s also grateful for the opportunities Cub offered her to interact with teachers. 

“The interviewing process that comes with journalism and reporting helped me form relationships with other teachers,” she said. “I always loved talking to them outside of the classroom because I got to hear their stories.”

As a writer, Shannon was able to combine her passions for journalism and sports, contributing to several sports wrap-up articles for school sports, taking it upon herself to interview several of the student athletes to give readers an in-depth look into BASH’s sports teams. 

“Usually my favorite thing to write about for Cub was the sports wrap-ups,” she said. “I loved hearing about all the different sports seasons, and it was always interesting to hear the athletes’ takes on the outcome of the season.”

Her most recent wrap-up, however, is more unique than any other that she’s written in the last three years. In late March 2020, she, along with sports editor PJ Riddell, wrote the spring sports wrap-up for a season that never happened due to the COVID-19 outbreak, titled Spring Sports: More Than A Game. Her goal was to give athletes, especially seniors, a voice in the midst of their lost season.

“Although it was extremely difficult to write about because it was hard to hear how four years of hard work went down the drain due to COVID-19, I was able to write something students wanted to read,” she said. “The athletes were so passionate in what they had to say, and I felt like I was representing them, which I loved.”

While the 2020 spring sports wrap-up may be her most meaningful piece in her time with Cub, the piece that she had the most fun with was a review of the show Game of Thrones that she wrote along with editor-in-chief Jocelyn Lear.

“My favorite [article] to write was Jocelyn’s and my episode reviews on Game of Thrones last season because it is something I have very strong opinions towards and am very passionate about,” she said.

As an undoubtedly passionate and opinionated individual, Shannon also spent time in numerous clubs, activities, and sports during her time outside of the Cub at BASH.

One of Shannon’s many roles at BASH included being the manager for the volleyball team – a team that her sister, Emma, played on, and her dad coached. (Emma Ludwig)

“I have been involved in various clubs, each so different from each other. Besides the Cub, I was involved in Youth and Government, Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), BASH’s writing center, and National Honors Society,” she said. “In addition to clubs, I played basketball and lacrosse, as well as managed the girls’ volleyball team.”

As her time at Boyertown comes to a close, Shannon looks forward to her next chapter at Penn State, a university she chose for a variety of reasons.

“As someone who was raised by two Nittany Lion alums, I felt it was only right for me to join the Penn State family,” she said.

Not only was her decision influenced by family, she sees it as a big step towards achieving her childhood dreams.

Shannon, an avid basketball fan and player, played guard for the BASH Lady Bears basketball team during her time at BASH. (M John Photography)

“Since I was a kid, it was a dream of mine to work for the Philadelphia 76ers, and as the NBA became more about promoting women to leadership positions, I’ve decided to go for my dream of working in the front office,” she said. “To do so, I would need connections, and that’s what Penn State provides for me. I plan on majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Business Management, as well as working within Penn State’s sports department.”

Shannon’s passion for her work came to fruition as a key member of the Cub, as she contributed to over 30 articles over 3 years. Her hard work and ambitious leadership in all of her clubs and sports has built her an impressive resume, one certain to make her stand out and succeed at Penn State as she did here at BASH.