Sandy summer dreams
As being stuck in quarantine is slowly wrapping up everyone is becoming more anxious for everything to open up and for life to get some normality back to it. People have been trying to make the most of quarantine by keeping themselves busy, doing house projects, or doing something artsy. But on the other hand many people are anxious to get back to the outside world, and it doesn’t help that there has been some pretty nice weather lately enticing people to go outside even more.
For school students, this means that they really want summer to just be here already and for quarantine to be over so they can just go hang out with their friends and go on fun trips with their family or friends. When asked what she is looking forward to most with the incoming summer, sophomore Liesl Wolf stated, “I am looking forward to hanging out with my friends and going to the beach.” Many students plan to go to the beach over the summer and spend some time in the salty air. Other students like senior Johannes Orehotsky who said, “Every summer is about the same for me, but my family was thinking about going to Alaska or Iowa to visit some family and I do hope to go during the time of warmth(aka summer),” plan to go on family trips or just trips in general to different states or countries. Everyone is mainly hoping that their summer is not ruined and that by summer everyone will be cleared to do what they want to.
The other idea many students have is what they plan on doing as soon as quarantine is over. Many students are planning to do what junior Rob Parks plans to do which is “to try and get a huge group of friends to hang out with.” Therefore, most students are dreaming of what they will be able to do over the summer.

Cheyenne is a senior this year and it is her second year on The Cub, while she is also in her third year of taking journalism. She likes to write about...