Humans of BASH 2019-20
The Humans of BASH is modeled after the Humans of New York photo project. Our aim is to give a glimpse into the everyday lives of BASH students and the spirit of the school.

“My favorite thing about this year was the people, new and old, knowing that it was probably the last time I’ll see these people for a long time, with or without the coronavirus. Also, personally, I feel more special not having a graduation than getting one, because the treatment our class is getting frankly is better than other classes.” Humans of BASH - Seniors Edition...

“I feel kind of numb toward the whole thing [graduation]. I don’t feel like I completed high school. I’m glad they are giving us an online ceremony even if it isn’t ideal, its something to look forward to.Also, quarantine made my senior year feel like any other year. It didn’t feel special or like a year to close a huge chapter of my life.” Humans of BASH - Seniors Edition...

“Quarantine affected me emotionally because I was both sad my senior year is over and scared that we have to stay in our homes because of this deadly disease. Quarantine also gave me time to think about my life after high school and think about what steps I need to take next for my future. I also learned that it’s interesting to see what someone will do for you to make you feel happy and special...

“My least favorite thing about this year was probably the school work and the quarantine happening. I also plan on working and going to school for either nursing or to a trade school after I graduate.” Humans of BASH - Seniors Edition

“In all honesty, I believe that the worst part about Valentine’s Day has to be not knowing what to get a guy. It’s just so hard to find a gift that is cute, guyish, and that they will really love. There are so many gift ideas out there, but it is just hard to find the right one or even come up with a good idea for a gift to get a guy...” HOB - Valentine's Edition...

“Me and my boyfriend's first Valentine’s Day together was definitely my favorite memory. I went home with him after school, but he had flowers hidden upstairs and a big stuffed animal which I have been using for the past three years as a pillow because it reminds me of him, and a big box of candy, all for me. Then we went out to dinner and came home and watched movies. It was so perfect and I wouldn'...

“Valentine’s Day! I hate it with a passion. One year—I think it was like third grade—there was a girl that I really liked and everyone, including the girl, knew it. So it was time to hand out the cards and stuff and after they were all handed out and everyone was going through seeing what they got, I dumped my bag and started to look for the one she gave me. She had given me, and only me, ...

“I don’t really care for Valentine’s Day. But if I ever did get a boyfriend, I’d want gifts. Probably money if I’m being honest; you can never go wrong with money. The one thing I don’t like about Valentine’s Day is seeing couples making out in the halls more than usual.” HOB - Valentine's Edition...

“My perfect date would be a cheap movie date and take her home and go camping under the stars.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

"When I was in fourth grade I was at my school Valentine's Day party. My mom was helping out so she was there with me, and this boy came up to me. He had a big teddy bear and a card in his hand. He asked me to be his girlfriend. I was shocked but so excited, so I stood up on the table and danced around. I got everyone's attention and screamed ‘Yes! Yes! of course I'll be your girlfriend!’ I went o...

“The worst Valentines gift I’ve ever gotten was being broken up with on Valentines day.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“I have never had a Valentine until this year. I’m pretty nervous. It sucks being single every year. But this Valentines Day I actually have a girlfriend to give gifts to.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“I am usually single for Valentine’s Day, but this year I am dating someone who is very special to me. I’ve been dating him for about 2 months now and he’s become my best friend. I can’t wait to spoil him this year.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“I don’t give out candy to my students on holidays like Christmas, Halloween, or Easter. But every year on Valentine’s Day, I give something to each of them. I don’t want them going home empty handed.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

"I had a boyfriend right before Valentine’s Day last year. We weren’t dating for that long but we had liked each other for a while. We would hang out almost every day and had gotten really close. In fact, it was his birthday just a few days before Valentine’s Day and I bought him the shoes he wanted and got all of his favorite candies. My wallet had really taken a toll that month and was about...

"Valentine’s Day seems fun for people in relationships, but I don’t date and my family doesn’t really celebrate it much. One thing cool about this year’s V-Day though, is that it’s also senior skip day at the school. So I will be going with my friends to Shady Maple for the day. Wait, I don’t know if I’m supposed to be saying that. So yeah, I’m definitely going to be out of school 'sick'...

“It’s all about love for the boys, I do NOT need a lady if I got the boys. America is built on your love for your fellas. Valentine’s Day isn’t for some moochy dates with your girl; its to kick back and love your guys. Every year, none of the guys ditch each other for a girl, it’s all love with us.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“Valentine’s Day this year I feel will be great. I got my boyfriend a basket of gifts that are all very meaningful and I put a lot of thought into it. All I plan to do this year for Valentine’s Day is to hang out with my boyfriend and just exchange gifts.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“On Valentine’s Day every year my dad gets me a teddy bear, candy, and a card. I really like this tradition because I like to look back on the teddy bears he’s gotten me in past years. This tradition is also nice because the type of candy I like pretty much changes every year and he always knows which kind I like. I also like to keep the cards he gets me because they are normally pretty cool...

“My favorite part about Valentine’s Day is seeing the people who actually enjoy it. I like seeing people happy, even if I’m not necessarily enjoying the holiday myself.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“Looking back, my worst Valentine's Day was when my Dad got me flowers and my boyfriend got me nothing. I wish I’d taken more away from that at the time.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

"My best AND worst Valentine's Day was when my girlfriend woke up with pink eye the morning of. We had to cancel our plans for the day but still wanted to hang out. We ended up just watching movies at her house all day. I’m sure you can guess what I woke up with the next morning. Worth it.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“This Valentine's day I'm taking my girlfriend out to Vincenzo's in Daniel Boone. As a gift I got her a big frame with a bunch of pictures of us. We've been dating for 4 ½ months; this will be my first good Valentine's Day.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

“To me, Valentine’s Day was a day to be creative when we were younger. We got to pick out the Valentines we wanted to get each other and decorate our bags however we wanted. Me and my Mom always went all out. I miss those days.” HOB - Valentine's Edition

"Valentine’s Day never really meant much to me until now. I guess that’s because I finally have a girlfriend this time of year. She’s the same girl I liked last year and she’s been my best friend for a really long time now. Last year she had just broken up with another guy, and I saw how sad she was, so I wanted to be the one to change that. I bought her a big thing of chocolates and it defi...

The one thing I struggle with the most is being happy. It is honestly just so hard to be positive. Even though I struggle with this, I never let the people who dislike me keep me from living my life and having a positive attitude. I love helping to make people be okay. The best thing about helping people, to me, is the feeling I get from being reassured that someone is doing okay after done cryin...

I grew up with Pepper since I was little. I remember when he would never leave my side. Pepper was my grandparent's dog. He always use to follow me around because we were just close like that. The day of the accident was just a normal day. It was Halloween day of 2014. My grandfather looked out the window and the deck was engulfed in flames. The fire was getting bigger and spreading fast. My grandfather...

I have the most outgoing personality that I know of. My really emotional background makes me more of an open minded person who can help people be happy. One of my favorite things to do is make a positive impression on people since it just makes my day. The only way I can make it through the day is by keeping a positive attitude towards life and keeping a smile on my face, but if I’m upset, the d...
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